Our attorneys have spent decades in the public and private energy sectors. Our intra-disciplinary approach provides coordinated advice and assistance to local, regional, and international companies in addressing their energy needs. We are focused on meeting our clients’ needs through innovative strategies, strong government affairs advice, and a thorough understanding of the restructured energy markets.
We provide guidance in regulatory relations including monitoring, participating in and offering advice regarding issues and cases before local, state, and federal energy and environmental regulators, and permitting, including transmission and electric generation siting. We coordinate and conduct our efforts in conjunction with our Environmental, Land Use, and Zoning Practice Group. We offer investment advice regarding regulatory environment issues in New York and help to develop and implement customer energy strategies, interacting with local utilities and economic development agencies to maximize customers’ ability to take advantage of all program opportunities to reduce total energy costs. We collaborate with our Mergers and Acquisitions Practice Group to assist our clients in navigating the regulatory and other government affairs aspects of consolidations involving the energy industry, and we advise clients who have interest in such mergers. We work closely with our Government Relations Practice Group regarding legislation and lobbying, tracking legislative activity related to energy, including hydropower legislation, energy/economic development proposals, and bills affecting various energy projects. We have experience in wholesale market issues, including advising our clients regarding issues before the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), and various state commissions and in monitoring the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) and interacting with that organization in order to advance our clients’ interests.
The Energy Practice Group represents a variety of entities including transmission companies, independent power producers, renewable energy development companies, large consumers of energy, investor groups, large corporations who are considering self generation or entry into the energy sector, investment firms, and energy service companies (ESCO’s).