
Our firm features an active, interdisciplinary practice devoted to the needs of our agricultural clients with services that include:
• tax planning
• business succession planning
• business formation, acquisitions, and sales
• representation in real estate, financing and commercial transactions

Our clients include dairy, grain, corn, onion, fruit, and vegetable farmers, meat and egg farms, and suppliers of and dealers in agricultural supplies and equipment throughout New York State. We also represent dairy organizations and handle agribusiness concerns.

Renewable Energy
We represent organizations and businesses involved in the research, development, production and sale of energy from biomass sources, including ethanol, biodiesel, methane, and electricity.

We work closely with other professionals, educators and consultants with ties to the agricultural community. This approach serves to bring to the client the best advice from a team of professionals with diverse backgrounds, experience and disciplines.

We are founding members of the New York AgriDevelopment Corporation, a private, non-profit corporation whose mission is to identify, develop and implement statewide growth in the food and agriculture industry.